A Family of Creatives - A Family of Creations
Why Choose Just One Skill…
Crossing sub-cultures, hobbies, and interests has left us with a variety of skills across many types of crafting. Be it Leatherworking, Tailoring, Chainmail, 3D Printing and Design, TigerDog Studios combines these skills together to help create unique and fully custom creations.
The Story so Far…
I grew up with fairly strange parents. Actually, my whole life has been a series of unusual choices resulting in some amazing things. But TigerDog Studios is entirely the fault of my parents - well sort of - see my parents were those parents who had a full shopping list of unique skills across dozens of trades, hobbies, interests, and well life.
TigerDog Studios grew out of that upbringing and inspiration and then the naturally formed polycule of MassHysteria. Across all the pieces of that complicated web we all started with different creative skills, many of which we have shared and taught to the others. Sometimes, it’s easier to list the things we can’t do rather than the things we can.
Between all of us we have - at the very least - chainmail for various uses, leatherwork for various uses, 3D Printing and Fabrication, Carpentry and Woodworking, Writing, Voice Acting, and it just keeps going from there. Put a bunch of geeks/nerds together and you’re going to create some amazing things.