3D Printable Scales


Working on creating a suit of armor for LARP, Ashe was trying to balance weight, strength, and style. After many hours, and a bucket of test prints, he managed to adapt some existing scale designs and get them onto the bed of his FDM 3D Printers.

After sharing some pictures with a few communities, he was hit with a bunch of requests not only to buy the scales - but also the production files. Included in this file are varying objects

File is Sold Under the https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ License (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

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Working on creating a suit of armor for LARP, Ashe was trying to balance weight, strength, and style. After many hours, and a bucket of test prints, he managed to adapt some existing scale designs and get them onto the bed of his FDM 3D Printers.

After sharing some pictures with a few communities, he was hit with a bunch of requests not only to buy the scales - but also the production files. Included in this file are varying objects

File is Sold Under the https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ License (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Working on creating a suit of armor for LARP, Ashe was trying to balance weight, strength, and style. After many hours, and a bucket of test prints, he managed to adapt some existing scale designs and get them onto the bed of his FDM 3D Printers.

After sharing some pictures with a few communities, he was hit with a bunch of requests not only to buy the scales - but also the production files. Included in this file are varying objects

File is Sold Under the https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ License (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

All R&D was done on a CR-20PR and Bambu X1C utilizing 0.4mm nozzles. As 3D printing is a individual configuration artform all information included here is a best effort for how to get the best quality from the files. The included 3MF was designed and configured in Bambu Labs and exported as a Generic 3MF file. Recommendation is to use a 0.4mm nozzle with a .2 or .16 layer height. Anything smaller or larger is going to get you a rougher product or just be too much time for not enough gain. I recommend that you print calibrate your printer and do a tester in each filament type and tease your settings for what is best for your equipment.

Scale Measurements:
XLarge 39.3265mm X 39.6291mm X 2.976mm
Large 24.3767mm X 38.6396mm X 23.633mm
Medium 17.4987mm X 27.7372mm X 17.77414mm
Small 13.7119mm X 21.7347mm X 1.36825mm

For use in ScaleMail the Following Rings are Recommended:
Small - AR 4.0 (16SWG 1/4”ID)
Medium - AR5.0 (16SWG 5/16”ID)
Large - AR6.0 (14SWG 3/8”ID)
XLarge - AR5.7 (12SWG 1/2” ID)